With Flint, Mi being in the news as of late for having unsafe levels of iron in their water supply, it seems everyone is paying more attention the their own water supply.
In this article, we are going to explore water purification, a whole house reverse osmosis system, and how to determine whether or not an RO system is for you.
Types of drinking water
Generally, there are three different types of drinking water that you may choose from: bottled water, filtered water, and tap water. There isn’t as many differences between the three that you would assume. According to the National Resources Defense Council, 25% of all bottled water is actually just bottled tap water. Tap water isn’t as damaging as some would have you believe and only a small percentage of the population faces any health risks by drinking water directly from the tap.
Water Purification
Now, to ensure that water is safe for drinking, the purification process goes through several stages. Five, to be exact. The first stage is screening. Water from lakes or rivers needs to go through a screen to enter a water treatment facility. This is to keep out larger contaminants. The second stage is known as coagulation. Specialists add Aluminum Sulfate to the water in order to have the unknown substances within gather enough weight to appear at the bottom of the container. The third stage is sedimentation. During this step, the water and floc is guided into a sedimentation basin until the floc is heavy enough for removal. The fourth stage is filtration. The water will then be sent through several layers of hard substances such as gravel or sand to filter out any existing matter. The fifth and final stage is disinfection. In most cases, this is the most important stage. The water is then transferred into an enclosed container and a disinfecting chemical is applied to the water The Detox Center site .
Benefits of Whole System RO
A whole system reverse osmosis system is normally comprised of: An RO system, a pre-filter, disinfection, and a storage tank. The main reasons of using a whole system reverse osmosis are:
- Clean drinking water throughout your home – This system is to remove contaminants from your water and 99% of contaminants are removed once it finishes the process. We are talking about bacteria, chlorine, and viruses. Let’s face it, tap water isn’t always the best tasting thing to drink, and that is due to contaminants. That’s not saying it isn’t safe to drink.
- The most effective form of filtration – Whole system reverse osmosis is widely discussed as the most effective filtering systems for particulate matter.
- The system is cost-effective for your home – If you are concerned about clean water then chances are you buy bottled water. With the average cost of bottled water being priced at $10 for a 24 pack, and the healthy amount of water to drink is 64 fluid ounces (7 bottles), one would conclude to supply a household of just two people it would cost around $7 per day. Using that rough math, inside of a 4 year period your home would end up saving money by not purchasing bottled water
I believe that every person has his or own goals when it comes to health and hygiene. Most people would like to employ a practical solution & cost effective solution. That solution is installing a whole system reverse osmosis in your home.
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