Well Water Test Kit – Choose The Best

Well Water Test Kit For Private Wells

Well Water Test Kit For Private Wells

People who get their tap water from a municipal water supply seldom think about conducting a drinking water test. They know the city is required to run certain tests, and they trust them to do so.

If your water comes from a private well, however, it will be up to you to run your own drinking water test. There are plenty of choices of well water test kit brands available. Some require you to send off a sample to get a complete analysis. The more popular ones you can test and get results from the comfort of your own home.

How Possible Are Impurities?

There is little doubt that water picks up organic compounds as well as organisms as it travels through the sky and then through the ground to your well. Some of these are harmless, but unwanted contaminants can also enter your water supply. Even if water appears to be clean, there is a great possibility that it may be unsafe to drink. A well water test is the only sure way to know.

Which Wells Should You Test?

1. Every newly constructed well should have a drinking water test. So should every well that has no history of tests. If you buy a new home and the water comes from a well, be sure to ask for a drinking water test history.

2. Wells should always have a drinking water test if they are within one quarter mile of fertilized fields or animal feedlots. You should also test wells within one quarter mile of a landfill, underground fuel, a gasoline tank, or a place where solvents have been used. Examples are a dry cleaner store, automotive garage, body shop, etc.

3. Wells used by pregnant women, infants and preschool-aged children should have regular drinking water tests.

4. Homes with copper plumbing installed before 1985, with brass sink fixtures, or with naturally soft water should have a drinking water test.

5. Wells within one half mile of agricultural fields, or a plant that manufactures, stores, or mixes pesticide need to be tested.

How Often Should Wells Be Tested?

Some drinking water tests are necessary every 6 months. Others may be done once a year, or once every 5-10 years. Your state university can direct you to the appropriate office for specific information. If flooding occurs in your area, you should run a new drinking water test on your well. The WaterSafe product suggests testing twice a year for wells.  Once a year in the city, which should be enough.

Likewise if you notice a change in the appearance, taste, or smell of the water. If someone who drinks from your well gets sick with a water-borne disease, run a new drinking water test.

What Should A Good Drinking Water Test Kit Check?

A drinking well water test kit should check for bacteria, lead, pesticides, nitrites and nitrates, chlorine, pH as well as water hardness. A good kit will show up bacteria, for example, E. coli that could prove to be a serious health threat.

There is a middle ground here for people wanting something a little more substantial but without wanting to hire someone to come and check. There’s a great product that offers a 50 Contaminants Tested package. This is a premium Drinking Well Water Test Kit which requires you to mail out the water sample. Once the laboratory runs the tests, they’ll email you straight through, the results.

These kits are thought to be more accurate than a tds meter, but some users prefer a tds as well.

It would be costly and, in most cases, unnecessary to test for all possible contaminants. If you suspect any contaminant that could present a long-term or even an immediate health risk, you should immediately test again using a different brand of well water tester. Still troubled by the results, then it’s time to have an expert check your well.

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