Ever Wondered Why Are Berkey Water Filters Banned In California?
Do you live in California and rely on Berkey water filters to provide clean, safe drinking water? Are you wondering why Berkey products have been banned in the state? This article will explain why the popular brand has been taken off the shelves and what this could mean for consumers.
The decision to ban Berkey from California’s shelves came as a surprise to many, as their products have long been known for providing clean drinking water. In 2009, their ‘ no-lead law’ effectively quashed Berkey water filters being sold in the state.
In adherence to California’s regulatory standards, any water treatment system intended for sale within the state must be evaluated and approved by a reputable, independent third-party testing organization, such as the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF). Our purifying elements undergo rigorous testing and evaluation to meet the NSF’s stringent requirements, including NSF Standard 42 which assesses aesthetic impacts and Standard 53 which evaluates potential health implications. You can read more here. Additionally, to ensure ongoing performance and safety, it’s crucial to follow the manufacturer’s recommended maintenance schedule for filter replacements and system upkeep. The importance of regular water testing cannot be overstated, as it helps monitor water quality and efficiency, ensuring that the system operates effectively over time. Regular testing allows users to detect any potential contaminants early, safeguarding the health and well-being of those who depend on clean water.
The company had sold its products in California for more than a decade before it was forced to remove them due to new regulations. So what caused this sudden change of policy?
We’ll look at the reasons behind the ban and how it could affect Californians who rely on Berkey filters for their drinking water. We’ll also examine potential solutions that could help bring these items back into the state so that consumers can access clean, safe drinking water without having to worry about where it comes from or whether it is contaminated.
Overview Of Berkey Water Filters
Berkey water filters are a popular choice for many households due to their efficient, cost-effective filtration system. The Berkey filter is designed to remove 99.999% of known contaminants from any water source, making it an ideal filtration solution for both residential and commercial applications. With the ability to filter up to 600 gallons of water per day, Berkey filters can provide clean drinking water for large families or small businesses.
However, some states have banned the sale and use of Berkey filters due to their high effectiveness in removing contaminants from water sources. California is one such state that has implemented a ban on Berkey filters as they can remove even those particles that are deemed safe by the state’s regulations. This means that the water filtered by the Berkey filter may be more pure than what would meet California’s standards for safe drinking water.
In California, if you want to get clean drinking water without relying on a filtration system provided by your local municipality, you’ll need to look into other options such as reverse osmosis systems or carbon-based filters. While these systems may not be as effective at filtering out certain contaminants as the Berkey filter, they will still provide a degree of safety when it comes to consuming contaminated tap water. Ultimately, understanding the laws in your state and doing research into different filtration solutions will help you make an informed decision when it comes to providing clean drinking water for your family or business.
Benefits Of Berkey Water Filters
Berkey water filters are becoming increasingly popular due to the many benefits they offer. Not only are these systems portable and easy to use, but they also provide high-quality, clean water that tastes great. Furthermore, they can be used in both residential and commercial settings, making them a great choice for people looking for a reliable source of clean drinking water.
One of the most significant advantages of Berkey water filters is that they’re able to remove a wide range of contaminants from your drinking water, such as chemicals, heavy metals, pharmaceuticals, herbicides, pesticides, and even some bacteria. This means that you can feel confident knowing that you’re drinking safe and clean water every time you turn on the tap. Additionally, some Berkey models come equipped with fluoride filters so that you can enjoy fluoride-free water if desired.
Another benefit of using Berkey water filters is their ease of use and convenience. With one simple setup process and minimal maintenance required afterwards, you don’t have to worry about complicated instructions or time-consuming tasks in order to get good-quality drinking water. Plus, since these systems are compact in size yet powerful enough to filter large volumes of water quickly, they’re perfect for both home use and travel purposes.
All things considered, it’s no wonder why Berkey Water Filters are becoming an increasingly popular choice for those looking for a convenient way to ensure the quality of their drinking water is up to par. Despite being banned in California due to local regulations on filtration systems like this one – their impressive performance and reliability makes them an attractive option for anyone looking for a reliable source of clean drinking water.
Reasons For California Ban On Berkey Water Filters
When it comes to filtering water, there are a variety of options available. One of the most popular is Berkey water filters. However, these products are currently banned in California. So, why has this ban been put in place? Let’s take a look at some of the reasons for the ban on Berkey water filters in California.
The first reason for the ban is that Berkey water filters are not certified by the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF). This means that they do not meet certain standards set by the NSF and cannot be used as a safe alternative to tap water. As such, California has placed a ban on their use to ensure that its citizens have access to clean, safe drinking water.
Another reason for the ban is that many of Berkey’s products contain lead and other heavy metals which can be hazardous if consumed. These heavy metals can seep into the filtered water, potentially causing health issues if ingested over time. The state of California takes these risks seriously and so has taken steps to prevent their use within its borders.
Lastly, while Berkey may claim to remove contaminants from tap water, there is no scientific evidence proving this claim to be true. Without this proof, California cannot allow its citizens to rely on such an unreliable product for their drinking water needs. For these reasons and more, Berkeley water filters have been officially banned in California.
Impact Of The Ban On Consumers
The ban on Berkey water filters has had a significant impact on consumers in California. Those who were already using them have been left wondering how else to get clean, filtered water that meets their needs. Those who had yet to purchase the filter are now unable to enjoy its benefits. With the ban now in place, it’s important to understand what the implications of this decision are for those affected by it.
First and foremost, consumers have found themselves with fewer options for water filtration than before. This is especially true for households that rely on well water or other sources that may be more prone to contaminants. Without the option of a Berkey filter, people must now find alternative methods of filtering their drinking water – or risk potential health risks from contaminants. Additionally, this situation underscores the importance of water quality, as access to clean and safe drinking water is vital for maintaining good health. Many are now forced to consider less effective or more expensive filtration systems, which may not provide the same level of protection. As a result, ensuring the purity of household water supplies has become a growing concern for many families.
In addition, there has been an economic impact on those who purchased Berkey filters before the ban was enacted. They’ve been left with a product they can no longer use and no recourse for getting their money back. The cost of these filters is not insignificant, so this has been a financial burden as well as an inconvenience for many households in California.
The ban on Berkey water filters has had major consequences for consumers in California: fewer options for safe drinking water and costly losses for those who already owned one of these products. It remains to be seen what kind of long-term effects this ban will have on individuals and families across the state.
Health And Safety Concerns
The ban on Berkey water filters in California has created a variety of concerns surrounding health and safety. For one, there are questions about the performance of the filter and whether or not it can adequately filter out contaminants from tap water. Additionally, there is worry about the lack of oversight for the filter, as it is not regulated by any government agency. Finally, some consumers are concerned that using the filter may lead to an increase in dangerous micro-organisms in their drinking water.
To start with, many Californians are concerned about the effectiveness of Berkey water filters to remove contaminants. The California Department of Public Health indicates that certain materials used in these filters may be inadequate at removing things like lead, arsenic, and other potentially harmful substances from drinking water. This means that even if they use a Berkey filter, consumers may still be exposed to hazardous materials in their drinking water.
Furthermore, since Berkey filters are not subject to regulation by any government agency, there is no assurance that they will provide adequate filtration for tap water. This lack of oversight could mean that consumers don’t know what kind of filtration standards are being used or what kind of contaminants could still be present after filtration. As such, it’s difficult for them to make an informed decision about their water supply.
Finally, some people worry that using a Berkey filter could actually increase their exposure to dangerous microorganisms like E coli and other pathogens due to poor maintenance and cleaning practices. Without proper maintenance and cleaning procedures in place, these filters can become breeding grounds for bacteria which can then contaminate drinking water if they’re not removed properly.
In light of these issues surrounding health and safety concerns over Berkey filters in California, it’s clear why this ban is necessary and important for consumer protection until further evidence is presented demonstrating otherwise.
Alternatives To Berkey Water Filters
The sixth point in the discussion of why Berkey water filters are banned in California is the alternatives to Berkey filters. In this section, we’ll look at some of the other choices that Californians have when it comes to water filtration.
First, there are a variety of different types of pitcher filters and faucet-mounted filters available on the market today. These options may not be as effective as a Berkey filter, but they still provide a decent level of filtration for most households. Additionally, these types of filters are much more affordable than Berkey filters and can be easily replaced when necessary.
Another option for those looking for an alternative to Berkey water filters is reverse osmosis systems. These systems use a special membrane to remove contaminants from your drinking water, and they can be quite effective at removing even microscopic particles from your water supply. Reverse osmosis systems tend to cost more than other types of water filters, but they provide superior filtration capabilities compared to standard pitchers or faucet-mounted filters.
Finally, if you’re looking for an extreme level of filtration, you may want to consider investing in an ultraviolet light filter system. Ultraviolet light kills harmful bacteria and viruses present in drinking water, making it one of the most effective ways to purify drinking water without using chemical additives or added components like a Berkey filter would use. UV light filters can also be expensive but are worth considering if you’re looking for complete peace of mind when it comes to your drinking water quality.
In short, there are many viable alternatives to a Berkey filter that Californians can choose from depending on their individual needs and budget constraints. While these alternatives may not offer the same level of filtration as Berkeys, do, they still provide adequate levels of protection against contaminants in drinking water supplies throughout California.
California Regulatory Framework
Looking at the regulatory framework in California. It is important to understand the reasons why these filters are banned in this particular state, as it could help inform choices for other states and countries.
In California, there is a requirement that all water treatment products must be tested and certified by an independent laboratory before they can be sold. This is done to ensure that the product meets certain safety standards, as well as performance requirements. Unfortunately, Berkey water filters do not meet these criteria and therefore cannot be sold in the state.
There are also restrictions on what type of material can be used in a filter system. The state has very strict rules regarding materials such as lead, arsenic, and chlorine that cannot be used in filter systems, which unfortunately prevents Berkey from being able to use their patented Black Berkey Filter elements. Without this element, Berkey is unable to comply with the regulations set forth by the state of California.
It’s clear then that many factors contribute to why Berkey water filters are not allowed to be sold in California. From safety testing requirements to material restrictions, there are multiple reasons why this particular brand of filter does not meet the standards set by the state government. Moving forward it will be interesting to see if any changes are made that would allow for these products to become available in California once again.
Environmental Considerations
The environmental considerations of Berkey Water Filters being banned in California are an important factor to consider. Due to the state’s stringent regulations, these filters don’t meet the standards set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The contaminants that could be filtered out by the Berkey filter exceed California’s limits and could potentially harm people who drink the water. This is why California does not allow them to be sold or used in homes or businesses.
California has a long history of protecting its citizens from contaminated drinking water, which is why it has one of the toughest regulatory frameworks in the country. The State implements strict rules for water filtration systems and monitors their performance closely. This helps ensure that all drinking water sources within its borders are safe for consumption. Unfortunately, Berkey Water Filters do not meet these standards and have been banned in California as a result.
There are other alternatives available for Californians who need clean drinking water, such as reverse osmosis systems or carbon filters. These systems have been tested and approved by the EPA and can effectively eliminate most contaminants from drinking water sources. While they may not be as powerful or convenient as Berkey Water Filters, they still provide adequate protection from potentially harmful contaminants found in drinking water supplies throughout California.
Why Are Berkey Water Filters Banned In California And Any Exceptions?
The State of California has stringent regulations regarding the sale of indoor water filters, mandating that they pass certifications from independent third-party agencies such as the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF). Despite obtaining the NSF Standard 42 and 52 certifications, the costs associated with maintaining these certifications in California proved to be prohibitive for Berkey. After careful consideration, the company made the decision to withdraw from selling their products in the state. However, it should be noted that certain Berkey products, including the Travel Berkey, Berkey Light, Sports Berkey, Go Berkey Kit, filter replacements, and replacement parts, are still available for purchase in California.
Future Of The Ban
The current discussion of the Berkey Water Filters ban in California leads us to the future outlook. It’s important to determine whether this ban will be permanent, or if there is a chance that it could be lifted in the future. To do this, we’ll need to consider various factors such as public opinion, changes in technology and regulations, and economic pressure. Our own thoughts on why are Berkey water filters banned in California are detailed here.
Public opinion is an important factor when it comes to a ban like this one. If enough people are against it, politicians may be pressured into lifting the ban. This could occur if more research is done about Berkey Water Filters, and their benefits become more widely known. Of course, economic considerations also come into play – if the filters become too expensive for Californians to purchase, they may pressure politicians to lift the ban.
In addition to public opinion and cost analysis, changes in technology and regulations can impact whether or not the ban remains in place. If new technologies make water filters safer or easier to use than before, then there might be a push for lifting the ban on Berkey Water Filters. Alternatively, if new regulations are passed which make water filters safer or easier to use than before then again there might be a push for lifting the ban on Berkey Water Filters.
It’s difficult to predict what will happen with regard to this ban. While public opinion has shifted towards wanting it lifted since its introduction four years ago, changes in technology and regulations have yet to come into play as well as any economic pressures that may arise from increasing prices for these products within California markets. Right now all we can do is wait and see how things unfold in order to determine what happens with this controversial issue going forward.
Frequently Asked Questions
What Other States Have Banned Berkey Water Filters?
Berkey water filters have been around for a while and are widely used in many households. They are effective at removing contaminants from tap water, making it safer to drink. But both Iowa and, California have taken steps to ban Berkey water filters in the state. This raises an important question – what other states have banned these products?
To answer this question, we need to look at other states’ legislation on the matter. Unfortunately, there isn’t one clear answer as different states have different regulations. In some cases, Berkey filters may not be explicitly banned but their effectiveness may not meet the standards set by local laws. For example, in Washington State, any filter system must be certified with the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) or equivalent agency in order to be sold. As of now, Berkey systems are not certified by this agency.
At the same time, some states do explicitly prohibit the sale of certain types of Berkey water filter systems due to their inability to remove certain contaminants from drinking water. For example, Colorado does not allow any system that does not effectively remove lead from tap water for sale within its borders. So even if a particular model is certified by NSF or another agency, it may still be illegal depending on its ability to remove lead or other contaminants from tap water.
Ultimately then, it is important to consider local laws when deciding whether or not to purchase a Berkey filter system in your area. It’s also important to consider what contaminants you need removed from your drinking water and make sure any filter you buy is able to do so effectively before investing in one.
- ENJOY GREAT-TASTING TAP WATER EVERY DAY AT HOME- The 2.25-gallon Big Berkey System can be used on a countertop in your kitchen or office to transform tap water into delicious drinking water that’s also ideal for making your favorite beverages or cooking.
- INDEPENDENT TESTING- Black Berkey Elements (the original BB9-2) are composed of a unique, proprietary blend of multiple media types backed by testing from accredited, third-party labs. Black Berkey Elements remove or dramatically reduce over 250+ typical contaminants that could be present in freshwater sources—no electricity, tools, or plumbing are required.
- INCLUDES AUTHENTIC BLACK BERKEY ELEMENTS (THE ORIGINAL BB9-2)- Don’t fall for lookalike filters that use our Berkey BB9-2 model number or trademarks in their titles or product descriptions to legitimize their brand as replacements or “compatible”, when they are not. Black Berkey Elements are designed to work synergistically and target specific contaminants that far exceed the reduction capabilities of black filters solely composed of activated carbon.
- ECONOMICAL, LONG-LASTING- Black Berkey Elements provide filtered water for just pennies per gallon. Each pair of Black Berkey Elements lasts for up to 6,000 gallons before replacement is recommended. Elements may require replacement sooner based upon the quality of influent water. Each additional pair of Black Berkey Elements (sold separately) adds an additional 6,000 gallons of contaminant reduction.
- THE GOLD STANDARD IN GRAVITY-FED WATER FILTRATION- Authentic Black Berkey Elements are capable of greater contaminant reduction and a longer lifespan than virtually any of the other filter elements on the market. Berkey systems are simple and easy to use and require no electricity, costly installation, or tools, providing economical, long-lasting water filtration for just pennies a gallon.
- POTABLE WATER IN THE GREAT OUTDOORS- Black Berkey Elements remove or dramatically reduce over 200+ typical contaminants that could be present in lakes, rivers, ponds, streams and other freshwater sources—no electricity, tools, or plumbing are required. The Travel Berkey Water Filter System provides clean, refreshing potable water while camping, fishing, RVing, off-grid living and in emergencies, disaster preparedness and recovery scenarios.
- ENJOY GREAT-TASTING TAP WATER EVERY DAY- The Travel Berkey System can be used at the campground, RV park, off-grid shelter to transform questionable water into clean drinking water that’s also ideal for hydrating freeze-dried food, making your favorite beverages, cooking and personal hygiene. Equipped with Black Berkey Elements, the Travel Berkey System addresses over 200+ typical contaminants that could be present in tap water.
- ECONOMICAL, LONG-LASTING- Black Berkey Elements average just pennies per gallon of water. Each pair of Black Berkey Elements lasts for up to 6,000 gallons before replacement is recommended. Elements may require replacement sooner based upon the quality of influent water. Each additional pair of Black Berkey Elements (sold separately) adds an additional 6,000 gallons of contaminant reduction.
- INDEPENDENT TESTING- Black Berkey Elements have been tested by accredited third-party labs that have reported that the elements remove or reduce over 200+ typical contaminants found in tap water and other freshwater sources.
- 1.5 GALLON CAPACITY- The portable Travel Berkey System effortlessly filters water for about 1-3 people each day. The system is just 18” tall and 7.5” in diameter.
- ENJOY GREAT-TASTING TAP WATER EVERY DAY AT HOME- The 3.25-gallon Royal Berkey System can be used on a countertop in your kitchen or office to transform tap water into delicious drinking water that’s also ideal for making your favorite beverages or cooking.
- FLUORIDE AND ARSENIC REDUCTION- Berkey PF-2 Fluoride and Arsenic Reduction Elements replacement filters are designed for use in conjunction with Black Berkey Elements to adsorb fluoride, arsenic(V) and pre-oxidized arsenic(III), and other residual typical heavy metal ions.
- INDEPENDENT TESTING- Black Berkey Elements (the original BB9-2) are composed of a unique, proprietary blend of multiple media types backed by testing from accredited, third-party labs. Black Berkey Elements remove or dramatically reduce over 250+ typical contaminants that could be present in freshwater sources—no electricity, tools, or plumbing are required.
- THE ORIGINAL BERKEY BB9-2 AND PF-2 FILTERS- Don’t fall for lookalike filters that use our Berkey BB9-2 or PF-2 model number or trademarks in their titles or product descriptions to legitimize their brand as replacements or “compatible”, when they are not. Black Berkey Elements are designed to work synergistically with Berkey PF-2 filters to target specific contaminants that far exceed the reduction capabilities of cheap knock-off filter brands.
- ECONOMICAL, LONG-LASTING- Black Berkey Elements provide filtered water for just pennies per gallon. Each pair of Black Berkey Elements lasts for up to 6,000 gallons before replacement is recommended. Black Berkey Elements may require replacement sooner based upon the quality of influent water. We recommend replacing Berkey PF-2 Fluoride and Arsenic Reduction Elements after 1,000 gallons of use, under normal conditions.
- ENJOY GREAT-TASTING TAP WATER EVERY DAY AT HOME- The 3.25-gallon Royal Berkey System can be used on a countertop in your kitchen or office to transform tap water into delicious drinking water that’s also ideal for making your favorite beverages or cooking.
- INDEPENDENT TESTING- Black Berkey Elements (the original BB9-2) are composed of a unique, proprietary blend of multiple media types backed by testing from accredited, third-party labs. Black Berkey Elements remove or dramatically reduce over 250+ typical contaminants that could be present in freshwater sources—no electricity, tools, or plumbing are required.
- INCLUDES AUTHENTIC BLACK BERKEY ELEMENTS (THE ORIGINAL BB9-2)- Don’t fall for lookalike filters that use our Berkey BB9-2 model number or trademarks in their titles or product descriptions to legitimize their brand as replacements or “compatible”, when they are not. Black Berkey Elements are designed to work synergistically and target specific contaminants that far exceed the reduction capabilities of black filters solely composed of activated carbon.
- ECONOMICAL, LONG-LASTING- Black Berkey Elements provide filtered water for just pennies per gallon. Each pair of Black Berkey Elements lasts for up to 6,000 gallons before replacement is recommended. Elements may require replacement sooner based upon the quality of influent water. Each additional pair of Black Berkey Elements (sold separately) adds an additional 6,000 gallons of contaminant reduction.
- THE GOLD STANDARD IN GRAVITY-FED WATER FILTRATION- Authentic Black Berkey Elements are capable of greater contaminant reduction and a longer lifespan than virtually any of the other filter elements on the market. Berkey systems are simple and easy to use and require no electricity, costly installation, or tools, providing economical, long-lasting water filtration for just pennies a gallon.
- FILTER WATER IN THE GREAT OUTDOORS- Black Berkey Elements remove or dramatically reduce over 250+ typical contaminants that could be present in freshwater sources—no electricity, tools, or plumbing are required. The 1.5-gallon Travel Berkey Water Filter System provides clean, refreshing filtered water while camping, fishing, RVing, off-grid living and in emergencies, disaster preparedness and recovery scenarios.
- DELUXE 7″ STAINLESS STEEL BERKEY WATER VIEW SPIGOT- Easily see the remaining water level in the lower chamber of your Berkey stainless steel gravity-fed water filtration system without having to lift the top chamber to view water level. Includes optional blue floater ball, which can be installed inside the spigot’s glass tube for enhanced water level visibility.
- ENJOY GREAT-TASTING FILTERED WATER EVERY DAY- The Travel Berkey System can be used at the campground, RV park, off-grid shelter, providing filtered water that’s also ideal for hydrating freeze-dried food, making your favorite beverages, cooking and personal hygiene. Equipped with Black Berkey Elements, the Travel Berkey System addresses over 250+ typical contaminants that could be present in freshwater sources.
- INDEPENDENT TESTING- Black Berkey Elements are composed of a unique, proprietary blend of multiple media types backed by testing from accredited, third-party labs. Black Berkey Elements are designed to work synergistically and target specific contaminants that far exceed the reduction capabilities of carbon block filters that are solely composed of activated carbon.
- ECONOMICAL, LONG-LASTING- Black Berkey Elements provide filtered water for just pennies per gallon. Each pair of Black Berkey Elements lasts for up to 6,000 gallons before replacement is recommended. Elements may require replacement sooner based upon the quality of influent water. Each additional pair of Black Berkey Elements (sold separately) adds an additional 6,000 gallons of contaminant reduction.
- 3-Stage Filtration – The Purewell gravity water filter system adopts a composite filter technology, can reduce most contaminants. The black carbon filter has passed authoritative NSF/ANSI 42 certification, it employs a 0.01μm hollow fiber UF membrane, a silver ion membrane and an activated carbon block to reduce chlorine and intercept rust, sediment, organic matter and heavy metals, etc. This water filter system has also passed authoritative NSF/ANSI 372 certification.
- Smaller Filter Pore Size – The filter pore size of Purewell gravity water filter is 0.01 microns so that it can filter out 99.99% tiny materials from the water while other brands’ filter pore size is only 0.2 microns. The smaller filter pore size, the higher filtering accuracy. What’s more, Purewell water filter system can maintain the optimal flow rate (4 gallon/hour) while the filter pore size is smaller.
- Complete Accessory Set: The system not only provides safe water but also adds a touch of style to your home with its 304 food-grade stainless-steel housing. This ensures a sturdy and long-lasting structure. The 304 stainless steel spigot that comes with the system fits the chamber perfectly, preventing any leaks. Additionally, a non-slip stand is included to enhance the user experience. These accessories are included in the package, you don’t have to spend extra money on additional accessories.
- Energy Saving – Relying on the principle of gravity filtration, no electricity is needed. The gravity water filter system is divided into upper and lower chambers. The upper chamber can be filled with unfiltered tap water, the lower chamber will get clean water after filtered. Because it does not require electricity, it can be used indoors and outdoors. NOTICE: When the bottom chamber is full of filtered water, please do not add tap water to the top chamber or it will leak out.
- Long Lifespan and Replaceable – The two carbon filters (black) can provide up to 6000 gallons drinking water, the service life of a single filter element is 3000 gallons (According to different water quality, the lifespan of the filter elements would be a little different). But for optimum performance, the filter elements should be replaced every 6 months. NOTICE: The filter element DOES NOT lower TDS value.
- ENJOY GREAT-TASTING TAP WATER EVERY DAY AT HOME- The 2.25-gallon Big Berkey System can be used on a countertop in your kitchen or office to transform tap water into delicious drinking water that’s also ideal for making your favorite beverages or cooking.
- FLUORIDE AND ARSENIC REDUCTION- Berkey PF-2 Fluoride and Arsenic Reduction Elements replacement filters are designed for use in conjunction with Black Berkey Elements to adsorb fluoride, arsenic(V) and pre-oxidized arsenic(III), and other residual typical heavy metal ions.
- INDEPENDENT TESTING- Black Berkey Elements (the original BB9-2) are composed of a unique, proprietary blend of multiple media types backed by testing from accredited, third-party labs. Black Berkey Elements remove or dramatically reduce over 250+ typical contaminants that could be present in freshwater sources—no electricity, tools, or plumbing are required.
- THE ORIGINAL BERKEY BB9-2 AND PF-2 FILTERS- Don’t fall for lookalike filters that use our Berkey BB9-2 or PF-2 model number or trademarks in their titles or product descriptions to legitimize their brand as replacements or “compatible”, when they are not. Black Berkey Elements are designed to work synergistically with Berkey PF-2 filters to target specific contaminants that far exceed the reduction capabilities of cheap knock-off filter brands.
- ECONOMICAL, LONG-LASTING- Black Berkey Elements provide filtered water for just pennies per gallon. Each pair of Black Berkey Elements lasts for up to 6,000 gallons before replacement is recommended. Black Berkey Elements may require replacement sooner based upon the quality of influent water. We recommend replacing Berkey PF-2 Fluoride and Arsenic Reduction Elements after 1,000 gallons of use, under normal conditions.
- ENJOY GREAT-TASTING TAP WATER EVERY DAY AT HOME- The 2.25-gallon Big Berkey System can be used on a countertop in your kitchen or office to transform tap water into delicious drinking water that’s also ideal for making your favorite beverages or cooking.
- INDEPENDENT TESTING- Black Berkey Elements (the original BB9-2) are composed of a unique, proprietary blend of multiple media types backed by testing from accredited, third-party labs. Black Berkey Elements remove or dramatically reduce over 250+ typical contaminants that could be present in freshwater sources—no electricity, tools, or plumbing are required.
- INCLUDES AUTHENTIC BLACK BERKEY ELEMENTS (THE ORIGINAL BB9-2)- Don’t fall for lookalike filters that use our Berkey BB9-2 model number or trademarks in their titles or product descriptions to legitimize their brand as replacements or “compatible”, when they are not. Black Berkey Elements are designed to work synergistically and target specific contaminants that far exceed the reduction capabilities of black filters solely composed of activated carbon.
- ECONOMICAL, LONG-LASTING- Black Berkey Elements provide filtered water for just pennies per gallon. Each pair of Black Berkey Elements lasts for up to 6,000 gallons before replacement is recommended. Elements may require replacement sooner based upon the quality of influent water. Each additional pair of Black Berkey Elements (sold separately) adds an additional 6,000 gallons of contaminant reduction.
- THE GOLD STANDARD IN GRAVITY-FED WATER FILTRATION- Authentic Black Berkey Elements are capable of greater contaminant reduction and a longer lifespan than virtually any of the other filter elements on the market. Berkey systems are simple and easy to use and require no electricity, costly installation, or tools, providing economical, long-lasting water filtration for just pennies a gallon.
- 2 AUTHENTIC BLACK BERKEY ELEMENTS BB9-2 REPLACEMENT ELEMENTS FOR BERKEY GRAVITY-FED WATER FILTER SYSTEMS- Black Berkey Elements can be used with Big Berkey, Berkey Light, Crown Berkey, Imperial Berkey, Royal Berkey, Go Berkey and Travel Berkey Systems.
- FILTERS OVER 200+ TYPICAL CONTAMINANTS THAT COULD BE PRESENT IN TAP WATER- Choose only Black Berkey Elements. There are no substitutes for Berkey performance and quality.
- INDEPENDENT TESTING- Black Berkey Elements are composed of a unique, proprietary blend of multiple media types backed by testing from accredited, third-party labs. Black Berkey Elements are designed to work synergistically and target specific contaminants that far exceed the reduction capabilities of carbon block filters that are solely composed of activated carbon.
- ECONOMICAL, LONG-LASTING- Black Berkey Elements provide filtered water for just pennies per gallon. Each pair of Black Berkey Elements lasts for up to 6,000 gallons before replacement is recommended. Elements may require replacement sooner based upon the quality of influent water.
- THE GOLD STANDARD IN GRAVITY-FED WATER FILTRATION- Authentic Black Berkey Elements are capable of greater contaminant reduction and a longer lifespan than virtually any of the other filter elements on the market.
- FLUORIDE AND ARSENIC REDUCTION- Berkey PF-2 Fluoride and Arsenic Reduction Elements replacement filters are designed for use in conjunction with Black Berkey Elements to adsorb fluoride, arsenic(V) and pre-oxidized arsenic(III), and other residual typical heavy metal ions.
- THE ORIGINAL “PF-2 FILTERS” BY BERKEY- Berkey is still the one and only manufacturer of authentic Berkey PF-2 filters which have been proven and tested to effectively remove fluoride when used in conjunction with authentic Black Berkey Elements. Don’t fall for lookalike filters that use our Berkey PF-2 model number or trademarks in their titles or product descriptions to legitimize their brand as replacements or “compatible”, when they are not.
- LONG LASTING- We recommend replacing Berkey PF-2 Fluoride and Arsenic Reduction Elements after 1,000 gallons of use, under normal conditions.
- EASY TO USE- Berkey PF-2 Fluoride and Arsenic Reduction Elements attach to the bottom of Black Berkey Elements and sit in the lower chamber of a Berkey system.
Is There A Way To Get Berkey Water Filters In California?
Though the state of California has banned Berkey water filters, it can still be possible to get them in the state. There are certain ways around this ban, though they may require some extra effort or research.
Products You Can Buy.
Travel Berkey – 1.5 Gallon Stainless Steel Portable Water Filter
Berkey Light – 2.75 Gallon Non-BPA Plastic Portable Water Filter
Sports Berkey – Non-BPA Plastic Sports Bottle
Go Berkey Kit – 0.25 Gallon Stainless Steel Water Filter with Sports Bottle.
Filter replacement such as Black Berkey, PF-2, and PF-4.
Replacement parts for all products
One way to obtain a Berkey water filter in California is to purchase one outside of the state and then have it shipped there. Many online retailers will ship the product directly to homes in California, so this approach might be worth looking into. It’s important to note that this option may incur additional shipping costs and could take longer than if the filter were purchased locally.
Another route is to look for non-Berkey brand water filters that use similar technology or meet the same standards as Berkey filters. These products might not be branded as Berkey but could provide you with a comparable level of filtration and cleanliness. In addition, these items may not be subject to the same restrictions that have been placed on Berkey filters due to their popularity and effectiveness.
No matter what route you take to get a water filter in California, it’s important to make sure you choose one that meets your needs and provides effective filtration for your home or business. Doing research ahead of time can help you determine which option is best for your situation. Taking some time now can save you from problems down the line when it comes to finding safe drinking water for yourself or your family.
How Long Has The Ban Been In Effect?
The ban on Berkey water filters in California has been a source of confusion, and many people are wondering how long it has been in effect. To understand why the ban is necessary, it’s important to look at the specifics of the law and its history. So to address why are Berkey water filters banned in California, let’s dig deeper.
The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) issued a notice in January 2010 that prohibited the sale and distribution of Berkey water filters within the state. The main reason behind this was because Berkey did not meet the standards set by CDPH for drinking water filtration systems. This means that while Berkey can still be used to filter swimming pool and spa water, they cannot be used to purify tap water for human consumption.
The prohibition is applicable to all types of Berkey products, including their gravity-fed filters, countertop systems, shower filters, travel bottles, replacement parts, and accessories. CDPH warned consumers against purchasing these products from any out-of-state retailer as well as online retailers who ship into California.
Although there’s no denying that this decision has caused some inconvenience for those who already own or would like to purchase Berkey products, it’s ultimately meant to protect public health by ensuring that Californians have access to safe drinking water. Therefore, it’s important to abide by these regulations and only use certified filtration systems when purifying tap water for consumption.
Are There Any Other Safety Or Health Risks Associated With Berkey Water Filters?
Berkey water filters have been banned in California for several years, but many people are still unaware of the potential health and safety risks associated with them. Many assume that because they are a filter, they must be safe to use. This isn’t always the case. Berkey water filters can contain lead and other toxic chemicals, which could have detrimental effects on your health if ingested.
Furthermore, these filters can also fail to remove contaminants such as arsenic and cryptosporidium from drinking water. As such, it is important to understand the potential risks associated with using Berkey filters before deciding if they are a safe option for you.
In addition to potential health risks, these filters may not be effective at removing some of the more common contaminants found in drinking water. For example, chlorine and fluoride are two of the most common contaminants found in drinking water and Berkey water filters may not be effective at reducing their levels in your drinking water supply. Therefore, it is important to research other methods for treating your drinking water if you live in an area where these contaminants may be present.
Ultimately, before purchasing or using a Berkey water filter in California, it is essential to consider both the potential health risks and effectiveness of the filter itself. Taking into account all of this information will help ensure that you make an informed decision when it comes to selecting a filter for your drinking water needs.
The topic of why are Berkey water filters banned in California has been much debated. This ‘ban’ on Berkey water filters in California has been in effect for some time now, and it’s not likely to change anytime soon. This is concerning, as other states have allowed these types of filters with no problem. It’s understandable that people may have safety or health concerns about the use of these filters, but there are measures in place to ensure the safety and quality of the filtered water.
What’s more, Berkey filters use a different filtration system than other similar models, meaning they can provide higher quality water than other types of systems. As such, it’s important to consider the differences between Berkey and other brands when making a decision about what type of filter to use.
Ultimately, it’s up to each state to decide whether or not Berkey water filters can be used. Unfortunately for Californians, this decision has been made for them. Hopefully, someday soon the ban will be lifted so that everyone in California can enjoy clean and safe drinking water from their own Berkey filter.